Information about digital supervision for healthcare personnel

More security

With digital supervision, it is possible to keep an eye even if you are not present in the room. Experience shows that it provides more security for both patient and carer.

Should something happen, an alarm will be sent to the carer's mobile.

This is how it works

There are two ways to supervision with Nattugla.

1 - Scheduled - An alarm is sent to the service mobile at the chosen time when you want to carry out an inspection. 

2 - Alarm triggered- Nattugla sends an alarm to the carer's mobile if one of the selected alarms is triggered in a resident's room.

Caregivers can easily start supervision on their mobile.

Adhook - Some suppliers have the possibility that supervision can be started by searching for a user and then start a supervision.

All activities such as supervision are logged in the admin system

Information leaflets that can be printed and hung on information boards and in the break room

General information

see more
Online/Offline status
see more
Activate MFA
see more

information for hepro

Alarm handling in Hepro
see more
Pause alarms in Hepro
see more
Planned inspection in
see more

We are here for you

If you don't find the answer to your question, don't worry, we are here by your side.
Hepro : + 47 400 044 43
Easymeeting : +47 400 04 887