For Seniors That Want To Feel Safe - Nattugla Looks After You

Digital supervision is an established offer in most municipalities.

There are many different reasons why one needs supervision, and the purpose is to check that the person is doing well. Traditionally, this service has been carried out by mounting a key box on the house wall, so that employees in the health service can lock themselves in to physically see the user.

Today, there is safe and simple technology for digital supervision. Nattugla is a camera for carrying out digital inspections. The advantages are many.

Firstly, there will be a much better way to limit who has access to the user's home, and it is very easy to see afterwards who and when supervision is carried out.

You avoid being disturbed by a person entering the house. There is a sense of security in knowing that someone is watching over e.g. a security alarm is triggered.

Nattugla is designed to be discreet, safe and easy to use. It is mounted where it is most appropriate. That way, you can see if the service recipient is doing well, or if it is necessary to go for a physical inspection.

Norway has established some "rules of the road" for this type of technology, which is often referred to as welfare technology. Easymeeting has been through an extensive approval process, and has been approved as a supplier of welfare technology by the Norwegian Health Network. Both Easymeeting as a supplier and the customer undertake to follow the strict rules that follow the use of such equipment. In addition, the service recipient or next of kin must approve the use of the technology.

As a service recipient, you are entitled to the information you want to make sure how digital supervision works, and you can contact the municipality you live in to get more information if that is desired.

Some points that may be of particular interest

You will only be supervised at the agreed time.

You don't have to be disturbed at night by someone coming in to see you.

Access is only granted to those who actually need to supervise. It is not the case that everyone who works in health can carry out such inspections.

Video between Nightingale and healthcare personnel is safe. No video or audio is saved. Video and audio are only available when the inspection is carried out.

It is not possible to "listen in" in the room unless the user has approved this.

As a user, you can request to receive an inspection log. All access is logged, and you as a service recipient or next of kin have the right to access the log whenever you wish. You have the right to refuse to use digital supervision.

It is not possible for outsiders to gain access.

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